We are excited to be starting the farm shares this week! You will find in your bag:
- Spinach
- Beet greens or swiss chard
- Kale
- Sugar Snap Peas
All of the vegetables in the share could be put into a salad and eaten raw. Also they would do well in a sauté
(high heat, little fat, uniformly cut ingredients), cooked long enough to just lightly wilt everything. Olive oil, coconut oil, or butter are great options for this use. We have used all of these greens in omelets and quiches with great success. Here is a great place to get some ideas on how to use all these greens:
In the next coming weeks you will find more greens (lettuce mix, chard, kale, spinach), beets, carrots, scallions and fennel. You can expect to see peas again too.
Beans are coming up nicely, winter squash, summer squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers have been transplanted. You will start seeing some of these things mid-summer, along with herbs such as dill, cilantro and basil. Sweet potato slips were planted last weekend too.
Pea inspector
Ground prepared for winter squash and pepper transplants. Winter Rye, Vetch, and Clover were mowed, disced, chisel plowed, and then disced again. What was left was suitable for transplanting with just some spotty places where tufts of rye are still growing.
Just prior to mowing down sweet yellow clover cover crop, it was almost 6 feet tall! Late summer crops will be planted here. (cabbage, kale, carrots, beets, etc)
Thanks again for your support. Have a great week!