Wednesday, May 27, 2015

2015 Farm Share Week 1

Hello Everyone,

This week you will find in your shares:

Wed. May 27 and Sat. May 30
  • Baby Lettuce Mix
  • Spinach
  • Parsnips (harvested this spring after overwintering)
Parsnips are in the carrot family and have a sweet nutty flavor.  They are best prepared by either roasting in the oven or boiling and mashing.   These parsnips were seeded this time last year, and take all season to grow, then spend the winter in the ground, to be dug in the spring.  Like carrots they are a biennial, they will go to seed this summer.

**Info for those with coffee in their shares**

Your coffee is roasted fresh every week, and the variety will change with the seasons too.

Chemex, French Press, Pour Over, Aeropress....

If you are not acquainted with alternate brewing techniques, you might be surprised to find that there are many other flavors and notes that come with these other styles of brewing.  To become more educated with making the best of your Red Rooster Coffee Experience you can read more here:

Chemex below